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Avis testeur

The tester review taking 

better consumption 

to the next level.

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Supervised product tests

Controlling product experience and right usage

Fully detailed opinions

Testers’ selection based upon editorial skills and product expertise

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Strict zero-contact policy between brands and testers

Freedom of

Negative and positive reviews treated equally

Who are WeShareTrust testers ?


Expert consumers willing to participate and chosen upon application.

WeShareTrust testers all applied to our tests.

Just as you can do yourself. 

They chose to comply with the strict rules of an independent test. 

They have more to share than actual random buyers and in a better way.

tester des produits gratuits
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How are tests performed?

Tests at home in laboratory conditions.

Each WeShareTrust test is performed from the tester's home, supervised remotely by the test supervisor, who selects candidates based on their product knowledge and writing skills. The testers receive their product at home and must perform the test in a minimum range of time before being allowed to leave the review. All reviews are controlled to ensure the authenticity and relevance of the expressed opinions.

Where can I find WeShareTrust reviews?
Are Positive and Negative reviews treated the same way?

On retail sites committed to freedom of speech and content independence.

These leading retailers chose to grant their whole testers review programme to WeShareTrust. This way, they can guarantee all reviews and opinions will be published. Positive and negative reviews alike.

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How can WeShareTrust make sure testers did test the product?

test de produit

Each tester is individually supervised all along his or her consumption experience.

WeShareTrust teams do not only make sure the product was indeed delivered. We check it was used, through several mandatory touchpoints before the review comes to moderation.

How is WeShareTrust reliability guaranteed?

The regulatory framework applicable to reviews independence and authenticity is always evolving. WeShareTrust chose to comply with the most exigent certification: NF ISO 20488. This way, WeShareTrust is not only complying but pioneering best regulatory practices which should reinforce everyday trust between consumers and retailers for a fairest consumption.

Afnor test produit

Our mission: increase freedom of speech and content independence.

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